Astrid Lindgren

Astrid Lindgren ebooks

Astrid Lindgren was a Swedish author, best known for her series of books featuring the character Pippi Longstocking.

Lindgren was born near Vimmerby, Sweden, in 1907. Her love of stories as a child would influence her later work. At eighteen, she moved to Stockholm, leaving behind her job at the Vimmerby newspaper and its editor in chief, with whose child she was pregnant.

In Stockholm, Lindgren became a typist and stenographer. In 1931 she married Sture Lindgren, with whom she had a daughter. Lindgren first came up with the character of Pippi Longstocking while telling her daughter a story.

After working as a secretary and journalist, Lindgren began writing in 1944. Between 1944 and 1946, Lindgren would write six books. Pippi Longstocking was published in 1945 and was a quick success.

Lindgren began working for her publisher, Rabén & Sjögren, in 1946 and was given the responsibility of distribution of children’s books. In addition to her work for Rabén & Sjögren, she also continued with other writing jobs. In 1948, she went to the United States to write short essays for a women’s magazine.

Along with Pippi Longstocking, Lindgren created other memorable characters such as Karlsson-on-the-Roof, Bill Bergson, and The Six Bullerby Children. Through her writing, she was an influential on Swedish public opinion and politics. Up until her death in 2002, she remained an outspoken advocate of peace, animal protection, and children’s rights.


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