Barbara W. Tuchman

Barbara W. Tuchman ebooks

Barbara W. Tuchman was an American author but was equally well known as a historian. She has covered, in her papers and novels, how American got involved in World War I, the months leading up to World War I, social issues such as socialism, communism, and the decline of order in America and Europe. Tuchman also wrote a biography of Joseph Stilwell, military and political agendas from 1340-1400, the recurrence of backward thinking in military and political thought from Troy to Vietnam, and the American Revolution.

Tuchman graduated college from Radcliffe College with a Bachelor of Arts. She would go on to become a research assistant before her writing career would take off. During this time Tuchman gained valuable knowledge of the world through her experiences of traveling from New York to Tokyo, doing research.

After her time as a research assistant, she would go on to become a journalist, living in the New York area, and wrote for many newspapers and magazine. Her specialty was always something concerning politics or current events. Two major publications that she wrote for during this time were The Nation, and the New Statesman out of London.

During, and after this time in her career, she would work more on historical pieces, including the book, The Guns of August, which won her a Pulitzer Prize Award for general nonfiction.

Through her career as a historian and writer she churned out many books on political and military views of the time, receiving another Pulitzer Prize award for general nonfiction for the book, Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45.


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