D. A. Carson

D. A. Carson is
the author of nearly 60 books of Biblical scholarship.
Born in 1946 in Montreal, Carson went on to study chemistry and
mathematics at McGill University. He also earned degrees from the
Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto and from Cambridge University, where
he studied the New Testament.
Carson became the pastor of Richmond Baptist Church in 1970. After he
returned from Cambridge, he moved to Vancouver, where is has been a
member of the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School faculty since 1978.
The same year, Carson published his first book, The Sermon on the Mount.
The following year he published The King James Version Debate: A Plea
for Realism. His numerous books have focused on topics such as prayer
and free will. His most recent book is 2012’s The Intolerance of
Carson’s 1996 book, The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism
earned him the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Christian
Book Award. Carson has also worked as an editor. He edited Commentary on
the New Testament Use of the Old Testament along with G. K. Beale in
Carson’s books have been praised for their high quality Biblical
scholarship, and Carson is a well-respected researcher. His work has
been translated into other languages, including Chinese. He has a global
audience, particularly for his Expositor's Bible Commentary.
Along with his work as an editor, writer, and scholar, Carson is also a
founding member of The Gospel Coalition. He is also the founding
chairman of the GRAMCORD Institute.