Donna Tartt

Donna Tartt ebooks

Donna Tartt was born in Greenwood, Mississippi on December 23, 1963. She lived in nearby Grenada, Mississippi with her father, a local politician, her mother, and her younger sister. She didn’t have very many friends her age and was often fond of playing with her cousin’s and aunt’s that were in the area. When she was with her relatives, she would often retire to her bedroom to read books and even to write in a notebook starting at age 4. Writing came easy to her and soon developed into a passion. By five she was keeping a daily journal. Soon after her journaling came writing poetry, which led to publishing a poem in the state literary review at the age of 13.

In 1981 she enrolled at the University of Mississippi and this is where things really started to happen for Tarrt. In her first year at college her writing was noticed by professors there. After looking at her writing, the writer-in-residence, Barry Hannah, allowed her to attend the graduate level short story course. This was a very rare occurrence and foreshadowed the award winning writing to come.

After being noticed, her freshman year, as being a talented writer, she was advised to attend Bennington college in 1982. It was here that she started to write her first novel, The Secret History. This book would later be published in 1992, becoming a bestseller, and has been translated into 24 different languages. Her second book, The Little Friend, published in 2002, went on to win the WH Smith Literary Award in 2003.

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