Ed McBain

Ed McBain ebooks

Ed McBain was an American crime fiction novelist best known for his 87th Precinct series. Born Salvatore Lombino, he legally changed his name to Evan Hunter on the advice of an editor. He adopted the pen name of Ed McBain to separate his writing styles.

Born in New York City in 1926, Hunter began writing while he served in the Navy during World War II. He returned to New York at the war’s end and earned a degree in English and Psychology from Hunter College.

Hunter’s literary career began in earnest in 1951, when he published his first story and began working as an editor at the Scott Meredith Literary Agency. He published his first novel, The Blackboard Jungle, several years later. Throughout the 1950s, he wrote prolifically and published under ten different pen names, including Ed McBain.

As McBain, he published Cop Hater in 1956. It would be the first novel of his 87th Precinct series. Through his life, Hunter would go on to publish dozens of McBain novels. These included titles such as Heat, Ice, Ten Plus One, Hail to the Chief, and Fiddlers. Candyland, published in 2000, was credited to both Ed McBain and Evan Hunter. The 87th Precinct series was also adapted for television, with a show of the same title airing in 1961.

Hunter’s career spanned a variety of genres and styles, including screenplays and children’s books. Hunter died in 2005, having written over 100 novels during his career.


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