Edward Gorey

Edward Gorey ebooks

Edward Gorey was born on February 22, 1925 in Chicago, Illinois. His father and mother divorced when he was eleven. Gorey credits his abilities to the genes that were passed down to him from his great grandmother who was a greeting card writer and artist.

Gorey has mainly written for children, although he doesn’t have any of his own. In fact, he has never married, and has been cited as saying that he does not care much for children and doesn’t want any of his own. Some people have speculated that Gorey is gay, however when asked about his sexual orientation, he seemed as puzzled by it as anyone else. He said that he wasn’t sure if he liked women or men; that he just wasn’t much of a sexual person. Gorey also did not like having people try to place him in one category or another. He merely wanted to be a person and not very much beyond that.

Gorey has had very little formal art instruction. He briefly went to the Chicago Institute of Arts, but dropped out soon after he enrolled. However, he was able to make his artistic talents work for him, as he started doing illustrations for Double Day in New York City. He illustrated book covers for some famous books including: Dracula; The War of the Worlds, and Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats.

Gorey has lived in Cape Cod, Massachusetts for many years and eventually died in Cape Cod on April 15, 200 at the age of 75.

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