Elizabeth Lowell

Elizabeth Lowell ebooks

Elizabeth Lowell is a pen name used by author Ann Maxwell, who is the author of over fifty novels. Maxwell has written in a number of genres, and her works as Elizabeth Lowell are all romance novels.

Maxwell, who was born in 1944 in Wisconsin, was drawn to literature early in life, and she earned a degree in English from the University of California, Riverside. She published her first novel, a science fiction book titled Change, in 1975.

Maxwell began writing as Elizabeth Lowell in 1993, when Summer Thunder, a contemporary romance novel, was published. She has explained that her pen name comes from her middle name and her husband’s middle name. While she has co-authored books with her husband, Evan Maxwell, she has stated that the Elizabeth Lowell novels are written solely by her.

The Lowell romances include historical novels, including Enchanted, published in 1994, and Reckless Love, published in 1992. However, Maxwell has moved away from the subgenre, preferring instead to write contemporary romance, such as 1995’s A Woman Without Lies, and romantic suspense novels, such as 2008’s Blue Smoke and Murder. Her first romantic suspense novel was 1986’s Tell Me No Lies.

Maxwell’s romance novels have been New York Times bestsellers. She was awarded The Romance Writers of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 1994. Her latest novel, Death Echo, was published in 2010, and she continues to write.


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