Frank Peretti

Frank Peretti ebooks

Christian fiction author Frank Peretti was born in Canada in 1951. He was raised in Seattle, and he went on to work as a musician and pastor.

Peretti’s writing began as a secondary career. His first book, a children’s adventure titled The Door in the Dragon’s Throat, was published in 1985 while he was working as a pastor. Around the same time, he began work on This Present Darkness. This novel, published in 1986, would eventually become his most popular novel.

This Present Darkness was followed by Piercing the Darkness, published in 1985. Both novels draw on a theme of spiritual warfare and are influenced by Peretti’s Christianity. His 1995 novel, The Oath, earned him a Gold Medallion Book Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. All of his seven novels have been popular with readers.

In addition to his novels, Peretti has also written additional children’s books. The Cooper Kids Adventure Series follows on from his first book, featuring the characters from The Door in the Dragon’s Throat.

Peretti’s writing has expanded into other areas since 2000. In that year, his non-fiction book The Wounded Spirit was published. In it, he approached the issue of bullying. His follow-up books on the subject, No More Victims, published in the same year, and 2003’s No More Bullies.

Peretti has also written supernatural thrillers, including Monster, published in 2005. He co-authored the 2006 thriller House, which was adapted for film in 2008.

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