J. I. Packer

J. I. Packer is
a prolific writer of Theology. He started doing Christian writing around
1958, with his first book, Fundamentalism and the Word of God. He
decided to lead a life of service in the Christian faith after hearing
many lectures and books from the great C.S. Lewis. His inspiration was
found here and extend to the present with his writings, and all the way
to the opposite side of Canada from England. He has lived in Vancouver
for roughly thirty years.
Packer is a Complementarian. This means that believes that the
traditional roles of Men and Women should remain something akin to what
they were in the past. Men should provide and protect, while women
should nurture and submit to the man’s leadership. This also means that
Packer believes that men should be the only ones to take leadership in
the Church and that women should never be in such situations. His
beliefs on these matters are cited to be taken from the Bible.
Packer also expresses caution when talking about creation and evolution
of man. He does not believe that science had ruled out the possibility
that God created everything, and that anything that science has
supposedly proven should be looked at very carefully.
In Packer is part of the St. John’s Vancouver Anglican Church. This
church voted, in 2008, to leave the Anglican Church of Canada. Packer
resigned all roles of association with this church after St. John’s
joined with the Anglican Network of Canada.
Packer lives and still writes from his home in Vancouver.