Jack Higgins

Jack Higgins ebooks

Jack Higgins is a prolific writer who was able to amass a vast collection of books he penned through the years. It was not unheard of for Higgins to published three or four books a year; all this while being a full time teacher of liberal arts at Leeds Polytechnic.

Because of all the books Higgins wrote, he used many pen names including Harry Patterson, Hugh Marlowe, James Graham, and Martin Fallon.

Higgins wrote thirty some books which sold, but were nothing of significance until 1975 when his novel, The Eagle Has Landed. This novel marked the evolution and learning of Higgins, as it is noted that his plot and length of the novel, as well as the in depth characters. This novel became a bestseller, selling over fifty million copies worldwide. Many of his books have also been written for the big screen, including this bestseller.

It’s interesting to note that Higgins, given his work ethic towards his writing, was not very good in school, and never actually finished his high school years of study. It wasn’t until an intelligence test in the British Army that made him think twice about his mental aptitude. He scored quite high and this gave him the confidence to attend college once he was out of the army.

The success of The Eagle has Landed allowed Higgins to retire from teaching and to take on writing full time. Higgins currently lives in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, with his daughter who has taken after her father and has published a novel herself.


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