John Bunyan

John Bunyan ebooks

The author of The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan, was born in 1628. His childhood was modest, and his education was most likely limited. Through his life he worked as a tinker, while also working as a minister. Bunyan joined the Parliamentary Army in the English Civil War, and was imprisoned multiple times for his preaching.

After the Civil War, Bunyan went back to being a tinker, but had heard what he believed was the voice of God. Having been baptised as a Christian in his early 20s, he was appointed a minister in 1656. The same year, he published his first book, Some Gospel Truths.

As a nonconformist preacher, Bunyan was arrested and imprisoned for preaching without a licence. It was while he was in jail that he first conceived of his best known work. It is believed that he further developed The Pilgrim’s Progress when he was returned to prison several years later.

The first part of The Pilgrim’s Progress was published in 1678, with the second part following in 1684. The allegorical book was extraordinarily popular and was widely read and translated for years after Bunyan’s death.

Bunyan also wrote additional books, including his 1666 autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. He also wrote a fictional biography, 1680’s The Life and Death of Mr. Badman. Much of his writing, though, was expanded versions his popular sermons.

While serving as the chaplain to the Lord Mayor of London, Bunyan died in 1688. Much of his writing was published posthumously, and some of his books have been adapted for film.


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