Naomi Novik

Naomi Novik ebooks

Naomi Novik is an American science fiction and fantasy author. She has written seven novels in her Temeraire series, and one graphic novel, Will Supervillains Be On The Final?

Novik was born in New York in 1973, and is a first-generation American. She has said the Polish fairytales she was read as a child have influenced her own writing. Novik earned a degree in English Literature from Brown University and studied computer science at Columbia University.

She went on to work on the development of Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide, a computer game. Novik left game development to pursue writing full time.

His Majesty’s Dragon, published in 2006, was Novik’s first novel. Her next two novels, Throne of Jade and Black Powder War, were published the same year. These novel retellings of the Napoleonic Wars, which started the Temeraire Series, earned Novik several new writer awards. When the fourth volume of the series, Empire of Ivory, was published in 2007, it became a New York Times bestseller. The remaining books of the series, published in 2008, 2010, and 2012, have also been successful. Novik has said that the series will conclude with a ninth book.

As a fan fiction writer herself, Novik is one of the founding members of the non-profit Organization for Transformative Works. The group, which was formed in 2007, protects the fair-use rights of fan creators. Novik’s commitment to fan media is also shown on her website, which includes a fan art contest.


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