Patricia Polacco

Patricia Polacco ebooks

Patricia Polacco did not set out to become a writer in her early life. In fact, she couldn’t even read until her later teen years because of a condition known as dyslexia. This turmoil that came from that time will lay the foundation for her book to come, Thank You, Mr. Falker.

Polacco grew up in Michigan from Russian descent. Her childhood up until five was centered on her grandmother. One can see that her grandmother had a profound effect on her life, even in the short time she had with her grandmother; which is evident in several of her books.

Her parents divorced when Polacco was only three, possibly lending to the state of mind that would help her with writing the children’s books that she is so fondly known for. After her grandmother’s death, Polacco along with her mother and brother moved to Coral Gables, Florida for a bit. Then after only a short time they moved again, this time to Oakland, California.

It was here, in Oakland that a special moment happened for her. While attending Junior high school at teacher noticed that she could not read. This, of course, created tremendous amounts of ridicule and teasing from her peers. The teacher, Mr. Falker, took an interest in Polacco and eventually realized that she had dyslexia and thus couldn’t read. Shortly after this realization, steps were put in place to help her learn to overcome her dyslexia and learn how to read. It was this time the sparked the idea of a book and she wrote her experiences of that time in the book titled, Thank You, Mr. Falker.

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