Peter Ackroyd

Peter Ackroyd ebooks

Peter Ackroyd was born on October 5, 1949, in East Action, West London. He grew up in a very strict catholic household, and was a very bright student. He continued his education at Clare College in Cambridge, England and graduated in 1972 with a degree in English literature. After graduating he received the Mellon Fellowship, which allowed him to Attend Yale University, where he would meet his longtime friend and partner, who was a dancer.

While at Yale University, Ackroyd wrote, Notes for a New Culture. This book was published in 1976.

Ackroyd is known for his love of London and that comes through in his writings. He often writes about English authors, sometimes making up fictional biographies of such writers as Charles Dickens. He enjoyed exploring the writers of England and their manuscripts.

After attending Yale University, Ackroyd began work at The Spectator magazine and eventually became one of the chief editors there. He also worked at a book reviewer for The Times, and was also a regular radio broadcaster.

Ackroyd first started his writing by penning poems, and published his first poem in 1973.

Ackroyd had a long-term relationship with Brian Kuhn, who was a dancer Ackroyd met while at Yale. A sad fate played into the mix, when Kuhn was diagnosed with AIDS, dying in 1994. At the time the two were living in Devon, England. After Kuhn’s death, Ackroyd moved back to London where he is now.


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