Peter Carey

Peter Carey ebooks

Peter Carey was born on May 7, 1943, in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria; Australia. His father owned a car dealership in town. Nothing of note happened with Carey during his childhood. He attended school and did fairly well. He then enrolled at Monash University in Melbourne. He majored in chemistry and zoology. However, after a car accident and a lack of interest in his studies he decided to drop out of college.

After dropping out of college, Carey began working in the advertising business. This was where he first got his taste for writing. He had several mentors during this time that helped him become a very sought after advertising writer. After work and on weekends he would write fiction, but did not have success in seeing anything published for a long time. He wrote five novels; all were rejected. The only publishing credit he received was for a short story that appeared in Under Twenty: An Anthology, in 1966, and another short story in Australian Letters in 1967.

Carey, undeterred by the lack of publication for his novels, continued to write. He was able to publish a few short stories, again, but no luck with his novels. His actual first book published was a collection of short stories called, The Fat Man. With this success he saw a bit more by publishing more short stories and, producing another collection of short stories entitled, War Crimes, and also finally breaking through with a published novel called, Bliss.

Carey currently lives in New York City where he advises for Masters of Fine Arts programs.


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