Robert Harris

Robert Harris ebooks

Robert Harris, born on March 7,1957 in Nottingham, England. Harris always seemed to have a passion for words. As a high school student he was part of the school paper, as well as when he was in college at Selwyn College, in Cambridge where he was the editor of the student paper Varsity.

After college, Harris began his career as a reporter for the BBC, working on the news and current events for various BBC television programs. He worked here until 1987 when he accepted the position of political editor for The Observer. After this he often wrote columns for The Sunday Times and The Daily Telegraph.

Harris continued with his work, all the while writing several non-fiction novels that were published but without much fanfare. It wasn’t until his historical novel, Fatherland was published that Harris could retire to write full time. This novel sold a million copies and enabled him to buy a home to write from. This novel was turned into an HBO film in 1994. This wouldn’t be the last time one of Harris’s novels was produced for the one screen or another. His next novel, Enigma, was also made into a movie; however Harris did not write the screenplay for this movie. His next novel, Archangel, was adapted for a BBC mini-series in 2005.

Harris has gone on to write many more novels, and has worked with Roman Polanski for his novel, Ghost. Harris now lives in Newbury, England with his wife Gill Hornby. They have four children.


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