William Barclay

William Barclay ebooks

A Scottish minister and writer, William Barclay was born in 1907. After studying divinity and classics at the University of Glasgow, his work aimed to make Biblical scholarship accessible to a larger audience.

Barclay was ordained as a minister in 1933, and worked as such until 1947, when he turned his attentions to teaching. At the University of Glasgow, he taught religion for nearly thirty years. He also regularly lectured around the United Kingdom.

Barclay’s writing was primarily popular Biblical scholarship. His writing career began while he was working in the church. Over his lifetime, he also worked as an editor for the Sunday School Teachers Magazine, and as a contributor to the British Weekly, Young Scotland, and the Expository Times. He developed a recognisable style of religious writing.

His writing frequently focused on his beliefs around universal salvation and peace. He garnered some attention and controversy with his 1977 book, A Spiritual Autobiography, in which he expressed scepticism about the Trinity.

Barclay’s most famous book was his New Daily Study Bible. This 17-volume best seller went verse-by-verse through the entire New Testament. His book, The Mind of Jesus, published in 1960, was also popular. The audience he had developed through his journalism were attracted to his accessible style of writing about religion.

Up until his death in 1978, Barclay continued to write popular religious scholarship. His books are still popular today and many of the books continue to be reprinted.


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