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They detest war as a very brutal thing, and which, to the reproach
of human nature, is more practised by men than by any sort of
beasts. They, in opposition to the sentiments of almost all other
nations, think that there is nothing more inglorious than that
glory that is gained by war; and therefore, though they accustom
themselves daily to military exercises and the discipline of war,
in which not only their men, but their women likewise, are trained
up, that, in cases of necessity, they may not be quite useless, yet
they do not rashly engage in war, unless it be either to defend
themselves or their friends from any unjust aggressors, or, out of
good nature or in compassion, assist an oppressed nation in shaking
off the yoke of tyranny. They, indeed, help their friends not only
in defensive but also in offensive wars; but they never do that
unless they had been consulted before the breach was made, and,
being satisfied with the grounds on which they went, they had found
that all demands of reparation were rejected, so that a war was
unavoidable. This they think to be not only just when one
neighbour makes an inroad on another by public order, and carries
away the spoils, but when the merchants of one country are
oppressed in another, either under pretence of some unjust laws, or
by the perverse wresting of good ones. This they count a juster
cause of war than the other, because those injuries are done under
some colour of laws. This was the only ground of that war in which
they engaged with the Nephelogetes against the Aleopolitanes, a
little before our time; for the merchants of the former having, as
they thought, met with great injustice among the latter, which
(whether it was in itself right or wrong) drew on a terrible war,
in which many of their neighbours were engaged; and their keenness
in carrying it on being supported by their strength in maintaining
it, it not only shook some very flourishing states and very much
afflicted others, but, after a series of much mischief ended in the
entire conquest and slavery of the Aleopolitanes, who, though
before the war they were in all respects much superior to the
Nephelogetes, were yet subdued; but, though the Utopians had
assisted them in the war, yet they pretended to no share of the
"But, though they so vigorously assist their friends in obtaining
reparation for the injuries they have received in affairs of this
nature, yet, if any such frauds were committed against themselves,
provided no violence was done to their persons, they would only, on
their being refused satisfaction, forbear trading with such a
people. This is not because they consider their neighbours more
than their own citizens; but, since their neighbours trade every
one upon his own stock, fraud is a more sensible injury to them
than it is to the Utopians, among whom the public, in such a case,
only suffers, as they expect no thing in return for the merchandise
they export but that in which they so much abound, and is of little
use to them, the loss does not much affect them. They think,
therefore, it would be too severe to revenge a loss attended with
so little inconvenience, either to their lives or their
subsistence, with the death of many persons; but if any of their
people are either killed or wounded wrongfully, whether it be done
by public authority, or only by private men, as soon as they hear
of it they send ambassadors, and demand that the guilty persons may
be delivered up to them, and if that is denied, they declare war;
but if it be complied with, the offenders are condemned either to
death or slavery.
"They would be both troubled and ashamed of a bloody victory over
their enemies; and think it would be as foolish a purchase as to
buy the most valuable goods at too high a rate. And in no victory
do they glory so much as in that which is gained by dexterity and
good conduct without bloodshed. In such cases they appoint public
triumphs, and erect trophies to the honour of those who have
succeeded; for then do they reckon that a man acts suitably to his
nature, when he conquers his enemy in such a way as that no other
creature but a man could be capable of, and that is by the strength
of his understanding. Bears, lions, boars, wolves, and dogs, and
all other animals, employ their bodily force one against another,
in which, as many of them are superior to men, both in strength and
fierceness, so they are all subdued by his reason and
"The only design of the Utopians in war is to obtain that by force
which, if it had been granted them in time, would have prevented
the war; or, if that cannot be done, to take so severe a revenge on
those that have injured them that they may be terrified from doing
the like for the time to come. By these ends they measure all
their designs, and manage them so, that it is visible that the
appetite of fame or vainglory does not work so much on there as a
just care of their own security.
"As soon as they declare war, they take care to have a great many
schedules, that are sealed with their common seal, affixed in the
most conspicuous places of their enemies' country. This is carried
secretly, and done in many places all at once. In these they
promise great rewards to such as shall kill the prince, and lesser
in proportion to such as shall kill any other persons who are those
on whom, next to the prince himself, they cast the chief balance of
the war. And they double the sum to him that, instead of killing
the person so marked out, shall take him alive, and put him in
their hands. They offer not only indemnity, but rewards, to such
of the persons themselves that are so marked, if they will act
against their countrymen. By this means those that are named in
their schedules become not only distrustful of their fellow-
citizens, but are jealous of one another, and are much distracted
by fear and danger; for it has often fallen out that many of them,
and even the prince himself, have been betrayed, by those in whom
they have trusted most; for the rewards that the Utopians offer are
so immeasurably great, that there is no sort of crime to which men
cannot be drawn by them. They consider the risk that those run who
undertake such services, and offer a recompense proportioned to the
danger--not only a vast deal of gold, but great revenues in lands,
that lie among other nations that are their friends, where they may
go and enjoy them very securely; and they observe the promises they
make of their kind most religiously. They very much approve of
this way of corrupting their enemies, though it appears to others
to be base and cruel; but they look on it as a wise course, to make
an end of what would be otherwise a long war, without so much as
hazarding one battle to decide it. They think it likewise an act
of mercy and love to mankind to prevent the great slaughter of
those that must otherwise be killed in the progress of the war,
both on their own side and on that of their enemies, by the death
of a few that are most guilty; and that in so doing they are kind
even to their enemies, and pity them no less than their own people,
as knowing that the greater part of them do not engage in the war
of their own accord, but are driven into it by the passions of
their prince.
"If this method does not succeed with them, then they sow seeds of
contention among their enemies, and animate the prince's brother,
or some of the nobility, to aspire to the crown. If they cannot
disunite them by domestic broils, then they engage their neighbours
against them, and make them set on foot some old pretensions, which
are never wanting to princes when they have occasion for them.
These they plentifully supply with money, though but very sparingly
with any auxiliary troops; for they are so tender of their own
people that they would not willingly exchange one of them, even
with the prince of their enemies' country.
"But as they keep their gold and silver only for such an occasion,
so, when that offers itself, they easily part with it; since it
would be no convenience to them, though they should reserve nothing
of it to themselves. For besides the wealth that they have among
them at home, they have a vast treasure abroad; many nations round
about them being deep in their debt: so that they hire soldiers
from all places for carrying on their wars; but chiefly from the
Zapolets, who live five hundred miles east of Utopia. They are a
rude, wild, and fierce nation, who delight in the woods and rocks,
among which they were born and bred up. They are hardened both
against heat, cold, and labour, and know nothing of the delicacies
of life. They do not apply themselves to agriculture, nor do they
care either for their houses or their clothes: cattle is all that
they look after; and for the greatest part they live either by
hunting or upon rapine; and are made, as it were, only for war.
They watch all opportunities of engaging in it, and very readily
embrace such as are offered them. Great numbers of them will
frequently go out, and offer themselves for a very low pay, to
serve any that will employ them: they know none of the arts of
life, but those that lead to the taking it away; they serve those
that hire them, both with much courage and great fidelity; but will
not engage to serve for any determined time, and agree upon such
terms, that the next day they may go over to the enemies of those
whom they serve if they offer them a greater encouragement; and
will, perhaps, return to them the day after that upon a higher
advance of their pay. There are few wars in which they make not a
considerable part of the armies of both sides: so it often falls
out that they who are related, and were hired in the same country,
and so have lived long and familiarly together, forgetting both
their relations and former friendship, kill one another upon no
other consideration than that of being hired to it for a little
money by princes of different interests; and such a regard have
they for money that they are easily wrought on by the difference of
one penny a day to change sides. So entirely does their avarice
influence them; and yet this money, which they value so highly, is
of little use to them; for what they purchase thus with their blood
they quickly waste on luxury, which among them is but of a poor and
miserable form.
"This nation serves the Utopians against all people whatsoever, for
they pay higher than any other. The Utopians hold this for a
maxim, that as they seek out the best sort of men for their own use
at home, so they make use of this worst sort of men for the
consumption of war; and therefore they hire them with the offers of
vast rewards to expose themselves to all sorts of hazards, out of
which the greater part never returns to claim their promises; yet
they make them good most religiously to such as escape. This
animates them to adventure again, whenever there is occasion for
it; for the Utopians are not at all troubled how many of these
happen to be killed, and reckon it a service done to mankind if
they could be a means to deliver the world from such a lewd and
vicious sort of people, that seem to have run together, as to the
drain of human nature. Next to these, they are served in their
wars with those upon whose account they undertake them, and with
the auxiliary troops of their other friends, to whom they join a
few of their own people, and send some man of eminent and approved
virtue to command in chief. There are two sent with him, who,
during his command, are but private men, but the first is to
succeed him if he should happen to be either killed or taken; and,
in case of the like misfortune to him, the third comes in his
place; and thus they provide against all events, that such
accidents as may befall their generals may not endanger their
armies. When they draw out troops of their own people, they take
such out of every city as freely offer themselves, for none are
forced to go against their wills, since they think that if any man
is pressed that wants courage, he will not only act faintly, but by
his cowardice dishearten others. But if an invasion is made on
their country, they make use of such men, if they have good bodies,
though they are not brave; and either put them aboard their ships,
or place them on the walls of their towns, that being so posted,
they may find no opportunity of flying away; and thus either shame,
the heat of action, or the impossibility of flying, bears down
their cowardice; they often make a virtue of necessity, and behave
themselves well, because nothing else is left them. But as they
force no man to go into any foreign war against his will, so they
do not hinder those women who are willing to go along with their
husbands; on the contrary, they encourage and praise them, and they
stand often next their husbands in the front of the army. They
also place together those who are related, parents, and children,
kindred, and those that are mutually allied, near one another; that
those whom nature has inspired with the greatest zeal for assisting
one another may be the nearest and readiest to do it; and it is
matter of great reproach if husband or wife survive one another, or
if a child survives his parent, and therefore when they come to be
engaged in action, they continue to fight to the last man, if their
enemies stand before them: and as they use all prudent methods to
avoid the endangering their own men, and if it is possible let all
the action and danger fall upon the troops that they hire, so if it
becomes necessary for themselves to engage, they then charge with
as much courage as they avoided it before with prudence: nor is it
a fierce charge at first, but it increases by degrees; and as they
continue in action, they grow more obstinate, and press harder upon
the enemy, insomuch that they will much sooner die than give
ground; for the certainty that their children will be well looked
after when they are dead frees them from all that anxiety
concerning them which often masters men of great courage; and thus
they are animated by a noble and invincible resolution. Their
skill in military affairs increases their courage: and the wise
sentiments which, according to the laws of their country, are
instilled into them in their education, give additional vigour to
their minds: for as they do not undervalue life so as prodigally
to throw it away, they are not so indecently fond of it as to
preserve it by base and unbecoming methods. In the greatest heat
of action the bravest of their youth, who have devoted themselves
to that service, single out the general of their enemies, set on
him either openly or by ambuscade; pursue him everywhere, and when
spent and wearied out, are relieved by others, who never give over
the pursuit, either attacking him with close weapons when they can
get near him, or with those which wound at a distance, when others
get in between them. So that, unless he secures himself by flight,
they seldom fail at last to kill or to take him prisoner. When
they have obtained a victory, they kill as few as possible, and are
much more bent on taking many prisoners than on killing those that
fly before them. Nor do they ever let their men so loose in the
pursuit of their enemies as not to retain an entire body still in
order; so that if they have been forced to engage the last of their
battalions before they could gain the day, they will rather let
their enemies all escape than pursue them when their own army is in
disorder; remembering well what has often fallen out to themselves,
that when the main body of their army has been quite defeated and
broken, when their enemies, imagining the victory obtained, have
let themselves loose into an irregular pursuit, a few of them that
lay for a reserve, waiting a fit opportunity, have fallen on them
in their chase, and when straggling in disorder, and apprehensive
of no danger, but counting the day their own, have turned the whole
action, and, wresting out of their hands a victory that seemed
certain and undoubted, while the vanquished have suddenly become
"It is hard to tell whether they are more dexterous in laying or
avoiding ambushes. They sometimes seem to fly when it is far from
their thoughts; and when they intend to give ground, they do it so
that it is very hard to find out their design. If they see they
are ill posted, or are like to be overpowered by numbers, they then
either march off in the night with great silence, or by some
stratagem delude their enemies. If they retire in the day-time,
they do it in such order that it is no less dangerous to fall upon
them in a retreat than in a march. They fortify their camps with a
deep and large trench; and throw up the earth that is dug out of it
for a wall; nor do they employ only their slaves in this, but the
whole army works at it, except those that are then upon the guard;
so that when so many hands are at work, a great line and a strong
fortification is finished in so short a time that it is scarce
credible. Their armour is very strong for defence, and yet is not
so heavy as to make them uneasy in their marches; they can even
swim with it. All that are trained up to war practise swimming.
Both horse and foot make great use of arrows, and are very expert.
They have no swords, but fight with a pole-axe that is both sharp
and heavy, by which they thrust or strike down an enemy. They are
very good at finding out warlike machines, and disguise them so
well that the enemy does not perceive them till he feels the use of
them; so that he cannot prepare such a defence as would render them
useless; the chief consideration had in the making them is that
they may be easily carried and managed.
"If they agree to a truce, they observe it so religiously that no
provocations will make them break it. They never lay their
enemies' country waste nor burn their corn, and even in their
marches they take all possible care that neither horse nor foot may
tread it down, for they do not know but that they may have use for
it themselves. They hurt no man whom they find disarmed, unless he
is a spy. When a town is surrendered to them, they take it into
their protection; and when they carry a place by storm they never
plunder it, but put those only to the sword that oppose the
rendering of it up, and make the rest of the garrison slaves, but
for the other inhabitants, they do them no hurt; and if any of them
had advised a surrender, they give them good rewards out of the
estates of those that they condemn, and distribute the rest among
their auxiliary troops, but they themselves take no share of the
"When a war is ended, they do not oblige their friends to reimburse
their expenses; but they obtain them of the conquered, either in
money, which they keep for the next occasion, or in lands, out of
which a constant revenue is to be paid them; by many increases the
revenue which they draw out from several countries on such
occasions is now risen to above 700,000 ducats a year. They send
some of their own people to receive these revenues, who have orders
to live magnificently and like princes, by which means they consume
much of it upon the place; and either bring over the rest to Utopia
or lend it to that nation in which it lies. This they most
commonly do, unless some great occasion, which falls out but very
seldom, should oblige them to call for it all. It is out of these
lands that they assign rewards to such as they encourage to
adventure on desperate attempts. If any prince that engages in war
with them is making preparations for invading their country, they
prevent him, and make his country the seat of the war; for they do
not willingly suffer any war to break in upon their island; and if
that should happen, they would only defend themselves by their own
people; but would not call for auxiliary troops to their
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