Armistead Maupin

Armistead Maupin ebooks

Armistead Maupin is a novelist and columnist who was born in 1944. His best known works are the novels in his Tales of the City series.

Maupin’s career as a writer started when he was studying at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While he was a student there, he began working for the university’s newspaper. From there, he began work for a local television station.

Maupin served in the Navy during the Vietnam War, after which he moved to San Francisco. He worked at the San Francisco bureau of the Associated Press and began writing Tales of the City as a serial in The Pacific Sun in 1974. The fictional account of 1970s life in San Francisco was later picked up by the San Francisco Chronicle, and has also been adapted for television.

The first Tales of the City novel, a collection of the serial, was published in 1978. As a series, Tales of the City dealt with a number of social issues of the time, including AIDS. The first novel was followed by five more titles, with the latest being 2010’s Mary Ann in Autumn. Maupin is currently writing a sixth novel in the series.

Maupin has also written two non-Tales novels, Maybe the Moon, published in 1992, and The Night Listener, published in 2000. His work as a writer has earned him a number of awards, including the 2001 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Book Award. He has also been recognized for his work for gay rights and equality.


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